Leslie serves as the Threshold Ministry Coordinator. Leslie earned her Masters of Divinity degree from Candler School of Theology at Emory in 2006 after working for many years as an archaeologist. She also has a degree in History from Furman University and an MA degree in Anthropology from Oklahoma University.

In 2010, she founded Companions on the Journey, an ecumenical chaplaincy and spiritual support program at the Arbor Terrace Retirement community of Decatur. Leslie has been involved in outreach ministries for many years including mission trips to Honduras, volunteer work with Church World Service, and working with homeless adults in Atlanta.

Leslie passionately enjoys outdoor activities including kayaking, backpacking, bicycling, camping, and gardening. Each summer she joins 400 other ‘crazy’ paddlers on Georgia River Network’s Paddle Georgia trip for seven days camping and paddling 120 miles or so on a Georgia river. Last summer, she paddled the remote Ogeechee River from the Sand Hills to Savannah. Leslie’s motto is, if it’s wide enough to hold my kayak, it’s worth paddling.

To contact Leslie Raymer, Threshold Ministry Coordinator please use the form below.
Or call: 404.378.1777 Ext. 240